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آمبولانس تن تن Ambulance of the Asylum 56

کد محصول: 29056

Please note that we cannot guarantee a certificate is present with every car.

Ambulance of the Asylum - Cigars of the Pharaoh (1955)   Managing to escape the psychiatric establishment Tintin unfortunately then gets caught by the local police and ends up in a straight jacket! Luckily Doctor Sarcophagus and Mr Zloty crash into the ambulance carrying Tintin and he is catapulted to freedom….. It is difficult to identify the model that would have inspired this ambulance, it could be an American truck from the 1920s or 1930s.

This 1/43 scale model of the ambulance includes Tintin, the driver and a medic.

Collectible - car 10.6 cm long.

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