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فیگور موزه خیالی شیوا Civa statue

کد محصول: 46005
۱۴,۰۰۰,۰۰۰ تومان


This beautiful figurine of Shiva, which is part of the collection of the "Musée Imaginaire", will fill you with joy. The Civa statue is accompanied by a numbered certificate of authenticity.
Who's Shiva ?
 Shiva is wor - shipped in the abstract form of the Shiva Lin - ga, anthropologically he is usually depicted as a being immersed in deep meditation or, as we see in Cigars of the Pharaoh (p.50), manifest - ing as the cosmic dancer Nataraja dancing the dance of creation, preservation and dis - solution – the Tandava.SShiva means ‘auspicious one’ in Sanskrit. Two of the major traditions within the pantheon of Hinduism hold different per - spectives on Shiva: the Shaiva tradition con - siders Shiva as the Supreme God; the Smarta tradition conceives of Shiva as one of five primary forms of God.


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