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کتاب تن تن در آمریکا Tintin in America - Yawning

کد محصول: 703105
۲,۳۲۵,۰۰۰ تومان


TINTIN IN AMERICA (Coloring of the original B&W edition)

After having travelled through the land of the Soviets and the Congo, Tintin sets off again for a third long journey, this time across the Atlantic. The famous reporter discovers America: Chicago, the suburbs, the Wild West and the Indians, and the over-industrialisation.  By thwarting Al Capone’s plans in Africa, Tintin had won the first round. But on his own turf, the gangster is determined to get rid of his opponent for good. 

Eighty-nine years after its creation, Moulinsart has carried out the colorization of the original version following the colouring of the original versions of Tintin in the Land of the Soviets and Tintin in the Congo. 

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