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کتاب شاهنامه لاتین Shahnameh The Epic of the Persian Kings

کد محصول:

کتاب نفیس و بسیار زیبای شاهنامه به زبان انگلیسی.

این نسخه به لطف تصویرسازی و مینیاتورهای رنگی و با کیفیتی که در اون کار شده، یک کتاب فوق العاده کلکسیونی و ارزشمند هستش.

Ferdowsi’s classic poem Shahnameh is part myth, part history–beginning with the legend of the birth of the Persian nation and its tumultuous history, it contains magical birds and superhuman heroes and centuries-long battles. Written over 1,000 years ago, it was meant to protect Persian collective memory amidst a turbulent sea of cultural storms. Originally written in couplets, the translation and adaptation by Ahmad Sadri retells the mythological tales in prose format. The spectacular illustrations in this edition were created from elements culled from thousands of manuscripts, lithographs, and miniatures dating from the thirteenth through the nineteenth centuries, and each panel becomes a new work of art, an exquisite collage of traditional forms.

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